Monday 6 February 2012

A Winter Walk

I love snow! And the weather forecast had promised me snow for the last weekend. After a long Saturday of constantly checking the sky, tiny white ice crystals finally started falling from the clouds in the evening. A lot of them!

I went to bed hoping that the snow would still be there on Sunday morning. I set my alarm for 6:30, because I thought I might want to go for an early morning walk if the weather looked inviting. I surprised myself by actually getting up and doing it, too! It was overcast, so the sunrise light that I was hoping for did not materialize. Nonetheless, I had a wonderful few hours walking through the marshes near my house. 

It was ever so silent, except for the flocks of crows in the trees and a few geese flying overhead. I could hear the snow crunching underfoot and melting in tiny drops from the branches. I walked along the canal and breathed in the wood smoke from the barges that were moored by the path. I met exactly one other person and we both smiled at each other, happily sharing a moment, surrounded by this rare London winter landscape.


© Text & Photos - Annika - All The Live Long Day (unless otherwise stated).


  1. You sure had a good time on your winter morning walk - I love all of your photos. We're having rain today - which we desperately need.

  2. Fun fun fun! =)

  3. Beautiful pics as always! I am jealous - we really didn't get a good winter here. It's +6 today :(

  4. I am so envious of your snow boots! I got to have some lovely magical snow time as well. Late night walk with my dog and my sister, my dog going crazy scampering in the snow and lots of happy walkers in the usually empty-at-that-time park. Magical!

  5. thank you for taking us with you on your winter walk!;)we stil do not have any snow here:( but your pictures making me feel like havin a bit..just a bit at my screen:0)

  6. How wonderful! I always think snow has something magical!

  7. How beautiful these are Annika!
    I never thought I'd say this, but I would like to have a little snow here too.
    Everything is really quite gray now.

    Thank you for taking us along on your walk, and for sharing your wonderful photographs with us today at The Creative Exchange.

    Have a great evening!


  8. What beautiful images you captured! I don't normally like snow, but now that I'm learning photography, I'd sure like some so I can practice taking pictures of the white stuff. Your winter walk looked wonderful...thank you for sharing!

  9. Snow makes the most beautiful scenes for making pictures! You have captured so many wonderful and creative scenes. My fave is the green bridge! Love that one. Hope you had fun walking about and making pretty images. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks very much! The snow has been slowly melting over the past two days, so I'm happy to have captured this wintery beauty when I could!

  10. Wonderful photos.

    Regards and best wishes

  11. These pictures are just stunning Annika! What a magical moment for you!


  12. gorgeous, gorgeous walk. but brrrr : )

  13. Amazing snow shots! The bridge shot is lovely, it makes me want to walk across it :). Thank you for sharing!

  14. wow!!!! gorgeous photos!

  15. I love all your snow photos! We had our first measurable snowfall (about an inch) overnight and is already nearly all melted.

    1. Thank you. Fortunately, it stayed cold here, so the snow stayed as well. There is nothing worse than the mud and slush after all the beautiful whiteness!

  16. I am not a snow person, I can't wait for it to melt.. but you have taken some lovely photos. x


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