Monday 1 October 2012

The Carnival Comes To Town

I am still sitting on so many photos that I took over the last few months, so I thought I would slowly work my way back across the summer. I have shown you what I went up to during the Olympics, so now I would like to tell you about an event that took place just before the Olympic Games... The whole of London was abuzz with cultural, arty happenings in the run-up to the big event. My borough had a Carnival parade coming through the streets one weekend. The parade's name was Godiva Awakes, and it consisted of many local groups in amazing costumes, quite a few music floats, a cornucopia of dancers and performers and a gigantic Lady Godiva riding on a metal horse.

The carnival slowly moved through the streets of my neighbourhood and then ended at the town hall in a big party finale. The grounds of the town hall had been dressed up by a collective of local artists and there were floating sculptures, installations on trees, and pompoms and ribbon everywhere.

My in-laws had just come over from Canada for a visit, so we brought them along to watch. I hope my photos reflect some of the happy atmosphere of the day.


  1. Thank you so much for this bright and colourful post reminding us of our glorious Olympic/Jubilee/Carnival summer. I am always so fascinated by the costumes and the work that goes into constructing them. You have some great photos there!
    i hope the happy memories and the great community spirit many of us felt in the summer continues into the autumn, and we do not get weighed down by the gloom of recession and the political party conferences.

    thanks again - blessings xx

  2. amazing, amazing, amazing! looks like such a wonderful summer

  3. Yeah, I sort of want to live in London now. Awesome photos, it all looks like so much fun!

    1. Thank you. I think living here, I often forget how fun London can be!

  4. Gorgeous photos Annika! I really wish I could have been in London for some of the summer! I love the knitted Olympics! That was something I had heard of, but never seen - wanted to though! I think there should be more celebrations throughout the year, not just in summer :)

  5. I want your red parasol! It's beautiful, as are these photographs. You really captured the spirit of the parade.


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