Tuesday 23 July 2013

Apricot Bites

This is a recipe for sweet, raw apricot bites with coconut and a lemon twist. They taste more like candy than health food and are really easy to whiz together in a food processor. I first made them using this recipe, but have changed it a bit over time to suit my liking. I recently included them in one of my foodie pen pal parcels, and they were well received. The make an excellent little edible gift. I hope you'll like them, too.

APRICOT BITES (adapted from Tiny Happy, makes about 20 to 25)


250g dried apricots
60g golden caster sugar
zest of 1 lemon
juice of 1/2 lemon
80g desiccated coconut, more for coating


Put apricots, sugar, lemon zest and juice into a food processor. Process until the mix starts to form a paste. You may have to pulse to achieve this and scrape any reluctant bits of the sides with a spatula during the process. Add the coconut and process until paste shapes into a loose ball.

Sprinkle some of the extra coconut into a shallow dish. Use your hands to roll the apricot paste into small , bite-sized balls, then roll them around in the coconut until covered. Place in the fridge for at least an hour to firm up.

The apricot bites will keep for a couple of weeks in an airtight container. Keep them in the fridge in very warm weather.

© Text & Photos - Annika - All The Live Long Day (unless otherwise stated).


  1. I'm allergic to coconut, but I think I'd love these just as much as without!

    1. Boo to allergies! I think the coconut helps to bind these together, but I am sure you could use other nuts, I bet ground almonds would work as well.

  2. YUM! Those look delicious!

    1. They are! Really just like guilt-free sweets!

  3. Ooh they look yummy! x



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