Tuesday 15 May 2012

I Heart The Cookie Monster

He's like a soul mate to me!


I'm having a lovely time being on my week's vacation at home, just me and the cats. I've been reading (The Hunger Games, finally! I'm already on book two!), having nice breakfasts, answering long overdue emails, amusing the cats with pieces of string, displeasing the cats by snatching a starling away from them, and have also done several loads of laundry (which means ironing later in the week, bleargh). As expected, I've been taking a nap a day, too! 

The weather has been crazy, especially today, with hail and thunderstorms, so it's nice that I can just go to the kitchen and make myself a cup of tea to dunk a cookie in instead of having to battle for space on the underground with other wet commuters. I hope I win the lottery soon, so that this can become my regular lifestyle! 


© Text & Photos - Annika - All The Live Long Day (unless otherwise stated).


  1. Ooh i'm jealous!! lovely to have some time off at home, catching up with things. Another Hunger games fan here!! Got the husband reading it now too!

  2. You big meanie, stealing their starling! Lol. I've so got to read the Hunger games, I'm always so behind the trends. And everyone should love the cookie monster. He rocks! =D


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