This month I got an amazing foodie parcel from Berni in Leeds. I always get excited when I receive home-made goodies, and Berni gave me three different spice mixes that she assembled herself. These made the parcel smell delicious. She also included an easy recipe for spiced roasted seeds to use with the the pumpkin and sunflower kernels she sent.
There was a pot of honey granola that I have yet to try, but I will take it to work with coconut milk yoghurt and berries one of these days.
Berni packed a few herby oat cakes, which I had not tried before, some girly cupcake liners with a shoe-and-handbag print, and some of her favourite apple and blueberry tea, which I've been having over iced mixed with a bit of apple juice. I turn into an ice tea fiend once the weather gets warm, and this one is delicious. I liked the card that came in the package, because beach huts and the seaside are one of my favourite sights!
Here's the aforementioned seed mix and some hot chocolate and lime-infused raisins, which I am saving for a snack attack.
There was also a homemade flapjack, which was lovely and did not make it through the first 24 hours with me. Thank you, Berni, for your thoughtful and tasty food gifts, it was a joy to unpack your parcel!
Foodie Pen Pals is organized by Carol Anne from Rock Salt, and you can find out more about it here or by clicking the link on my swaps page. The whole idea originated in North America, so if you are a state side or Canadian foodie, you can sign up there.

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