
Wow, am I ever excited to be guest posting for Annika! I just love her style and this great blog she has! Since this is my first guest post ever, I was really wracking my brain with what I should share with you guys. Then I thought that in honor of Annika's love for lists, I would share some lists of my own to help you get to know me a bit better.
First, about me.
I am :
- a Christian
- a wife
- a daughter
- a mother to 4 sweet kiddos
- a sister
- an aunt to 8 awesome nieces and nephews
My favorite things:
- arts and crafts
- making the best chocolate cake anyone has ever had
- doing anything with my husband
- coconut rum
- doughnuts--no really. love the doughnuts.
- learning to live more sustainably and simply
- watching our gardens grow
- finding bargains
- beautiful and functional old dishes
- a good story
- reality TV
- Marlborough Lights in a box
- driving
- Madison Beer Garden (the hot wings there are truly unbelievable, plus just going there makes me feel cool)
- pretty braided hair
- peonies
- straws
My least favorite things:
- dishonesty
- unkindness
- green beans
- being left out
- horror movies
- strict schedules
- acrylic yarn
- cleaning
- that I am such a bad photographer (note that this photo of the peonies is one of the nicest ones I have ever taken)
- realizing that I wasted 1 1/2 hours on a sucky movie
I hope you come visit my blog so I can get to know you a bit better too!
Thank you, Aimee, for sharing a few of your favourite (and less favourite...) things! I'm curious about your chocolate cake (how could I not be!) and completely with you on the old dishes. I do like green beans, but cleaning? Bleargh! By the way, I don't think Aimee is a bad photographer at all. Just go look at her blog and all the pictures she posts there. There is absolutely nothing wrong with them!
What about the rest of you, people? Feel like sharing your one most favourite thing or the stuff that bugs you?

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