Tuesday 4 September 2012

The Sea

So often I feel a great yearning inside me. 

To stand on the shore.
To hear water meet with beach. 
To watch seagulls levitate.
To smell the salt and the seaweed. 

To breathe in deeply.

Filling my soul with clean fresh air.
Emptying my mind of worries.

I love that the sea can do this to me.

It never fails to offer me comfort.


© All The Live Long Day (unless otherwise stated)


  1. Over here from Well and Cheaply and already your blog has had a calming effect on me. I'm listening to Ravi Shankar and trying to mellow myself out. I love that Isak Dinesen quote. Water always makes me feel better.

  2. yes! i can totally relate. i feel the same way when i am in a forest, standing on a dock at the edge of a calm lake and when i look out a vast farmer's fields. *sigh* we need these moments more often than we experience them.



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