Thursday 6 September 2012

Then & Now - 2012

It was fun to take a then-and-now picture on our first wedding anniversary last year, so we did it again for our second! I wonder if I will still love wearing leggings next year and if Marco will be dressed in a shirt again. He's a t-shirt kinda guy, normally. 

I do know that I love my husband very much, that's for sure!

© Text & Photos - Annika - All The Live Long Day (unless otherwise stated).


  1. So sweet! And your wedding dress and hat are BEAUTIFUL!

  2. You two are so cute. I love that your smiles are the same through all the photos. Your dress is adorable-you look so polished and pretty! Marco is sweet to pose with you. My darling Rob is not a fan of posing for photos...once in a while I get him, but it isn't easy. I'm sure you'll love looking back on these in the years to come :)

  3. so adorable!!!! and such a great idea!!! xoxoxooxox You guys are the sweetest!

  4. So cute! Happy Anniversary!! :) Sorry that I have been MIA... how have you been??

  5. What a lovely idea! And some gorgeous photos. Happy Anniversary!

  6. What a fantastic idea! After 20+ years you could totally make a stop action film :) Happy (belated) anniversary!

  7. You guys make the cutest couple!! Beautiful xxx

  8. What a sweet idea! You guys look really happy :)


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