Friday 12 August 2011

Cruising For A Bruising

My friend Eva and I are going to watch a Roller Derby fixture tonight. I am super exited, as I have been wanting to do this ever since I saw Whip It.

I have been wrecking my brains about what would be a cool Roller Girl name for myself, but inspiration has not struck so far. 

I tried using a name generator for ideas, and while I liked Jane Ire, Minnie Pearl Jam and Pam D. Monium, I wish I could come up with something more personal. Along the lines of Stitches or Boils. Words that obviously represent my love of embroidery and cooking! 

Can you help a Grrrl out? Any ideas? What would your Roller Girl name be?

© All The Live Long Day (unless otherwise stated)


  1. I like Stitches it sounds mean. I didn't know roller derby-ing happened over here. Enjoy. x

  2. That sounds so exciting! I hope you take some pics and share with us Annika! I love that movie too! I never thought of what I would choose as a name, but I quite like your idea of using an embroidery theme. Stitches sounds good to me!

    Have fun!!!

  3. How exciting! No idea for a name though.
    Just had a mooch through some of your wedding posts, love your wedding music choices!! I'm almost dancing in my seat.
    Thanks for your comments over at my place too. x

  4. There must be a perfect name! I'll have a think... it's a fun idea!
    I have a friend in the US in a roller derby and I'm always amazed at those awesome women!


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