Thursday 7 July 2011

Dos And Donuts

Wow! I've been active this week... On Tuesday, these bad girls finally got a proper workout again:

I signed up for a 4-week Flamenco summer class which started this week. Our teacher is a petite and highly energetic English lady who might be slightly crazy and speaks Spanish half the time. I kind of like her style.

Now, Flamenco is not the most light-footed of dances, but I would assume that a multi-storey school with a multitude of different classes on offer would organize the allocation of rooms so that the slightly more boisterous courses would not affect, say, a literature class... Hmmmm. Halfway through the evening, somebody knocked on the door and asked if we might take a break from stomping so, because right below us people were sitting an English exam... Excellent planning!

And after dancing up a sweat, I only went and spent some time at the gym yesterday! Something must be seriously wrong with me! Or maybe, my body has finally had enough of being lazy and is at last ready to become somewhat fitter again. That would be nice. 

But so as not to jinx my new-found drive to move by acting too health-conscious, I made some donuts to replenish all the burnt calories energy.

I followed the same recipe that Vicky tried earlier this year and it worked out like a dream. These donuts are baked rather than deep-fried, so they are slightly more healthy, I guess.

I got 11 donuts out of it, all coated in sugar and cinnamon. They were delicious fresh from the oven with a glass of milk. Marco did not want any milk, so he simply had another donut with his donut.

I also kept all the donut holes and filled them with blueberry jam. They tasted like miniature Berliner.

© All The Live Long Day (unless otherwise stated)


  1. Just discovered your blog and it is absolutely lovely!! I love that you are brushing off your shoes to go out dancing. I danced for 20 years and need to do the same!

  2. You will need doughnuts to cope with all that flamenco. I like Marcos style, I too would have another doughnut with my doughnuts

  3. I have been wanting to make donuts for awhile and keep forgetting about it - now I want some!

    Flamenco dancing sounds hard!!


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