Friday 29 July 2011

Walking Down The Aisle

First of all, sorry about the erratic posting lately! I have come to the conclusion that writing posts about one specific topic every day is hard work! Especially when somebody (me!) preferred to spent the weekend lying in the sun, reading and napping, instead of preparing their blogging week. Normally, after a weekend of being otherwise engaged, I would just post about whatever takes my fancy in the following days, but I did promise you a month of wedding posts, after all!!!

So here comes the one for today! And in keeping with the recent tradition of giving you music-related content on a Friday, this is a post about our wedding ceremony and the music that we chose for it. Our registrar gave us free range for our soundtrack, she only asked us to abstain from religious content for our civil ceremony and to let her listen to our choices for approval.

I scanned the program for the ceremony for you, because it has all the texts for our readings and the song lyrics for our music. Like the Save The Dates, I designed this in Word, using Home Sweet Home and the MS font Georgia. It also contained information about the wedding party and the ceremony in English and German. You can click on the photos for a closer look. I am also linking each reading and song title to an online source, a video or a stream, if you would like a look and a listen.

For our readings, I had chosen a poem by EE Cummings, read by my very good friend Ivonne, and Marco went with the lyrics of the Leonard Cohen song Dance Me To The End Of Love, which he had asked his brother Nino to read.

I had never been one of those girls who have their whole wedding planned by the age of 10, so I had no idea what tune I would like to walk down the aisle to. But when Pearl Jam's album Backspacer was released in fall 2009 and I heard the song Just Breathe, I knew that that was THE ONE. The lyrics are just perfect, about loving somebody for the rest of your life and making sure that they know you love them. And Pearl Jam has been my favourite band like pretty much forever. I still get tears in my eyes every time I hear it now, because it reminds me of what Marco and I have together.

After we had said our vows and exchanged rings, it was time to sign the register. We asked for Bruce Springsteen's If I Should Fall Behind to be played in the background. Marco is a big fan, and I don't think The Boss is all that bad myself. Again, the lyrics suited our relationship, with the song being about travelling together and watching out for each other.

The last piece of music was Don't Falter by Mint Royale, a very happy song about love. Not that being presented as Mr. and Mrs. for the very first time did not make us happy enough already! My favourite part of the song is when Lauren Laverne sings Now everything is fine, because he is officially mine and as long as we've got each other, it's gonna be officially summer! Too right! And we will try to never ever let that summer end, either.

The last page of the program had a map with directions to the reception venue and a little pocket for a handkerchief. I had collected vintage handkerchiefs from friends and family for this purpose, and bought a big batch on eBay, too. Some of our guests said that they were really grateful that we had provided them with one, because for some reason they needed to wipe their eyes! I think we made them cry and hearing them sniffle behind us also got Marco and me really tearful in return.

All the photos in this post were either taken by Stefan, my aunt Christa or my dad-in-law. I shall leave you with a wish for a happy weekend, filled with love & joy!


© All The Live Long Day (unless otherwise stated)


  1. Oooh! I haven't been here in a few days and I have so much catching up to do! What a BEAUTIFUL bride you were. And the handkerchiefs! Such a thoughtful touch. I was an August bride as well -- I can't wait to see the rest of these posts!

  2. This is lovely. I'm glad you wrote this post.

    p.s. love e.e. cummings.

  3. Such cool wedding music choice.
    Ian & I planned to get married before the kids came along (it never happened btw) but we wanted Elvis "The wonder of you" and everyone had to sing the woah woah woah bits! And I wanted a choir to jump up at the end and launch into a full on clapping rendition of Jackie Wilson's "lifting me higher"
    Maybe one day... Although I think Vegas and an Elvis registrar beckon should we ever tie the knot now!

  4. Your dress is so beautiful! The hanky idea is great!


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