Tuesday 6 September 2011

Road Trip - Margate, Broadstairs & Ramsgate

Here are some photos from a day trip to Margate, Broadstairs and Ramsgate that we took in August. These places are all coastal towns in the South East of England, about 2 hours away from London. They all are situated only a few kilometres apart. 

Margate is the slightly tatty party town, Broadstairs the posher tourist destination and Ramsgate the sleepy, untouched port. They all have their individual charms, lovely sandy beaches and plenty of fresh air and sea views.

I somehow managed to either over- or underexpose every single shot I took during this outing, I hope you still enjoy my pictures!



© All The Live Long Day (unless otherwise stated)


  1. Lovely photos! Whenever I make it over to England I'll have to keep these beautiful spots in mind! Thanks for sharing - I love your blog and am so glad to have come across it this morning!

  2. Ich bin wirklich sprachlos.. du hast ein unglaubliches Talent Eindrücke (atemberaubend) einzufangen..und das in so einer ganz besonderen Weise, die Fotos haben etwas stilles, schönes, sehnsüchtiges.. ich schaue sie mir noch ein paar mal rauf und runter an;)
    alles liebe

  3. wow!! amazing photos!!! i grew up in margate and went to school in broadstairs. looking at these photos really brought back some memories for me, they are great photos too! gosh, i left there nearly 20 years ago... how funny to look at these :)

  4. These are so gorgeous! There is something so lovely about old fashioned English seaside towns. I actually love the overexposed one of the Lido thing! What kind of camera do you use?

  5. Looks so nice! I want to live over there!

  6. Wow, fantastic photos. You have a fantastic eye for composition.

  7. These photos are fabulous! I bet it was a wonderful place to visit.


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