Thursday 22 December 2011

Candy Cane Martinis

For me, the Holidays are irrevocably linked with cocktails. Gets the spirit of Christmas in you like nothing else! Get it?! Spirit?! I'm so funny!

I have a big book of drinks recipes, and Marco and I try a few new ones every year. Happy days! The recipe for these candy cane Martinis came from my head, though. My non-inebriated head, mind you! They are really a natural follow-up to the candy cane hot chocolate I like to drink.

(makes 2)


1 candy cane
ice cubes
20 ml sugar syrup (plus more for the rim)
100 ml vanilla vodka
10 drops peppermint flavouring


Pulverize the candy cane in a small food processor or spice grinder. Tip out onto a small, flat plate. Pour a little bit of sugar syrup onto another small, flat plate. Take two Martini glasses and dip them first in the syrup and then in the candy cane dust to ice the rims.

Put a small handful of ice into a cocktail shaker. Add the sugar syrup, the vanilla vodka and the peppermint flavouring. (I use flavouring instead of essence intentionally, to get a real, sugary sweet candy cane taste. You can substitute essence, if you like, maybe just use a little less).

Shake it all up and strain into your glasses. Serve with a candy cane in each for show.

Prost to Christmas!


© Text & Photos - Annika - All The Live Long Day (unless otherwise stated).

1 comment:

  1. this drink looks like lots of fun! Cheers to you sweetie!

    have a very merry Christmas!



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