Monday 5 December 2011

What To Do With Your Old Christmas Cards

Make new Christmas cards, of course! This is something I could have never imagined myself to say on 5 December, but I am finished making my Christmas cards! Have been since Saturday afternoon, actually. But being on time with a task from my Christmas craft schedule definitely came as a surprise!

I have been hoarding stacks of Christmas cards from other people for a few years, wanting to use them in a project one day. I don't know why I did not think of this much earlier, but I finally had an idea for recycling them this year. With the help of a craft punch, I cut out all the Christmas motives and incorporated them into the cards I am going to send off to friends and family.

There were not very many other supplies required. I just ordered some kraft card blanks from Hobbycraft and used small doilies, recycled ribbon and washi tape to make everything pretty. Oh, and a glue stick. Not to forget the glue stick!

These are a few of the cards I made:

For a project that took me under three hours, I am completely pleased with the result! Now I just have to write and send all my cards, which may still take me till the week before Christmas...

Do you like sending Christmas cards? Do you make your own? 
What crafty ideas have you had?


© Text & Photos - Annika - All The Live Long Day (unless otherwise stated).



  1. Lovely! I used to reuse cards occasionally as well. Perhaps I should get back into the habit.

    For the past two years, I've designed my own cards for Colt and I, and I really enjoy it. I actually just posted about them on my blog ... I'd love to send you one, if you don't mind sharing your address! :)

  2. Annika you are so organized! I love these, they are pretty plus environmentally friendly! Awesome!

  3. What a great idea, I love them!

  4. OMG annika those are gorgeous. what a great idea! i'm SO stealing this!!! i've been wondering what to do with all those cute christmas cards from previous years! :)

  5. Very pretty very smart! Pinning now!
    I also participated in what I love Wednesday!



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