Friday 23 December 2011

Fine Tuning: Smith & Burrows - When The Thames Froze

Just one more sleep (for us Germans) and maybe two more for a few of you other people, and then it's going to be Christmas! Wahey! Marco and I are staying home this year, just the two of us and the cats.

That means mushroom lasagna, one present, and calls to my family on Christmas Eve; a good breakfast, more presents, Beef Wellington, and calls to Marco's family on Christmas Day; and just generally spending a lot of time on the sofa, getting drunk on mulled wine & cocktails in front of the fire, consuming mountains of cheese & mince pies, reading & watching movies, and maybe going for a nice walk if the weather allows. 

I love this time between the years, it's my favourite! December always is so busy, and time just rushes by. Having these few days off now, with a license to be completely lazy, and the time to contemplate the past months, will help me slow down and take stock, and to prepare myself for a new year full of promise. 

I am leaving you with one of my favourite new Christmas songs and the warning that I might just be too full/tipsy/snoozy to blog for the next few days. But I am sure you will understand, as I have a feeling that you may be somewhat busy yourselves!

So, to one and to all:

Thank you for being around!


© Text & Photos - Annika - All The Live Long Day (unless otherwise stated).


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