Tuesday 3 January 2012

Happy New Year?!

So after a lazy Christmas and loads of days off, the new year has started. After plenty of heavy food and watching countless hours of recorded TV (Game Of Thrones, The SlapSpiral), I think I am ready to come out of my cozy little hole and face the next 12 months. But I am also very apprehensive. I have not made any official resolutions, but there is so much that I want to change in my life that to think about which area to tackle first feels a bit daunting. 

I am feeling very scared that I might still be in a similar spot next December, and also a bit uninspired, which is partly why I have left it until today to pick up blogging again. I just could not figure out what the first post of the new year should be about. So many fellow bloggers have revealed big new plans for their little spaces, but I personally just have no clue where I want to go with All The Live Long Day. 

At present, I am just really grateful that I have been disciplined enough to write regular posts for almost a year and that I have built up a small but loyal following. But the thing is that I do not want to disappoint these lovely people who are coming here to read, so I kinda feel that I should have a clear direction, too... 

I was hoping for a big Christmas epiphany, but instead of finding some clarity, my head is the same merry-go-round of dreams, concerns and aspirations as ever.

One thing that totally surprised me at Christmas were my presents. Marco and I got a big parcel from my parents and a food hamper from his, and my husband (hereafter to be called BEST.HUSBAND.EVER) completely spoiled me with an abundance of gifts that were pretty much exactly what I wanted. 

I got several cookery and craft books, a subscription to my favourite cross stitching magazine, a monopod, a pasta maker, a set of beautiful enamel pie dishes, a Mason Cash mixing bowl I had coveted for years, cordless headphones, and... and... and... 

BEST.HUSBAND.EVER also surprised me with a new little gadget called an iPhone. I was not expecting that. I am quite in love with it and what it can do. One of the first apps I downloaded was Instagram, which I was very keen on trying after seeing so many other people use it. I'm @allthelivelongday, if you want to find me there. 

For Christmas dinner, BEST.HUSBAND.EVER and I had Beef Wellington with all the trimmings, which turned out really nice for a first try. Since then, the only other things I properly cooked were carrot-and-coriander-soup and a flan, but most of the time it was very much about cheese and crackers and chocolates at my house. I am looking forward to trying out some recipes from my new books and to re-introduce green things into my diet again!

New Year's Eve was spent quietly at a friend's apartment, with a Mexican buffet and some fizz at 12, watching the fireworks on TV.

I am so sorry to start the new year off with a moan! I am wishing everybody a very happy 2012 and hope that y'all feel a bit more perky about it than I do! 

What are your resolutions, if you have them?


© Text & Photos - Annika - All The Live Long Day (unless otherwise stated).


  1. Sounds like you had a super lovely and relaxing Christmas! Yesterday my baby sister came over and I introduced her to the world of cross stitch! She is a new convert.

  2. Agree with Fiona. And really, everyone needs a little R&R. The only reason I had posts these last week is that I had post dated them weeks ago (shhh), haven't done any writing until today.

    As far as goals, one step at a time, stressing over what direction is fruitless. Just pick one thing that seems to matter the most, go with your gut, and start with that, and the others with follow.

    You are amazing and creative and honest in your work; don't be afraid to step back or step forward as needed to refresh your soul :)

  3. Heeeeeeeyyyyyyyy Annika! You sound like you had a lovely, relaxing Christmas. I had a Christmas break for two weeks and yet it feels like I haven't rested at all. Italians just get together and eat, and eat, and eat.....with lots of family members. I kinda wanted a relaxing Christmas myself.

    I hear what you're saying about goals and such....I, honestly, never make New Year's resolutions. I don't like to set myself up for a big fall.
    However, I do make promises to myself and it usually works. It has taken me years to figure out that I just need to believe and put the stones in place. One step at a time sweetie.

    p.s. (hee, hee) I like that title - Best Husband Ever, although I might steal it one of these days .-)). And yes, it is my handwriting. Thanks for your lovely comps. :-)

    Just believe! Wishing you an amazing New Year!

  4. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I feel kind of the same, I feel like 2012 should be for *something*, but I'm just not sure for what yet! Have a great year!

  5. happy new year Annika!!! xx

  6. I feel like I have no idea what direction (if any!) to take our blog this year! Let's email chat some ideas and inspire each other!


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