Monday 16 January 2012

Nothing Like Being In A Bookstore

This wonderful little film was made by Sean Ohlenkamp and his wife Lisa. They "spent many sleepless nights moving, stacking, and animating books at Type bookstore in Toronto". 

I trained as a bookseller in Germany, and worked amongst books for 6 years. I miss it, and the video makes me happy. There is nothing like spending your days surrounded by floor-to-ceiling book shelves and knowing exactly were to find what your customers are in search of. 

I have to admit that I do order a lot of my reading material online now, but whenever I go and visit a shop, I am always filled with slight excitement while browsing the shelves, looking at the displays, just possibly finding my new favourite read! 

Hooray for real bookstores! Enjoy the video!

Lisa and Sean have books at home, too.

© Text & Photos - Annika - All The Live Long Day (unless otherwise stated).


  1. What a fun video! I love books, in fact, I am returning my Kindle; I just can't get into it. My TBR shelf is ridiculous, but I can't pass up a good deal. Plus, library books. I have an excuse now since I'm part of several reading challenges and have a book blog and people sending me things for review. :)

  2. I'm a book store lurker. I find the books I lik the look off, make a note of them and then head to the library to get them for FREE. I know, I'm a cheapskate! lol.x

  3. What a great video Annika.
    Thank you so very much for sharing it here!
    Sending you wishes for a wonderful day!

  4. This was a fun video and being a huge book lover, I have to agree that there certainly isn't anything like a book!!!! Especially one in hand :)
    Thanks much for your comment at CE!


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