Alrighty. I first posted about this in February... Now, I am going to pimp out my craft 'skills' once more, and then I give up. I just do so really, really want to make you something. Won't anybody play with me?
Pay It Forward is about making things and then giving them to somebody else. Anything, really. You could sew it, stitch it, paint it, write it, photograph it or cook it. Or whatever else floats your boat. All you have to commit to is to post the button and the instructions on your blog and to send a little crafty goodness to the first three commenters on that post. And you've got A YEAR to do it. Simple!
So read the 6 points below and make me happy. One comment and you're in! I got my first comment from Julia, who started me up on the whole thing, so two of you is all I need to spread some more handmade love.
Come on, you know you want to! Please? Pretty please? And if you'd really rather not, then maybe a friend would?

1. Important! You have to have a blog.
2. I will make a little something for the first 3 blog owners who comment on this post. It will be a surprise and I will make it and send it to you some time during the next 365 days after you have commented.
3. Make sure you let me know your email address, so that I can get your contact details.
4. To get a handmade present from me, you have to play too! This means YOU pledge to send a little handmade something to 3 readers of your blog. It doesn't matter what you give, as long as it is handmade by you!
4. To get a handmade present from me, you have to play too! This means YOU pledge to send a little handmade something to 3 readers of your blog. It doesn't matter what you give, as long as it is handmade by you!
5. Once you comment here, you need to post about your Pay It Forward on your blog to keep the fun going - you can just copy the rules from me and please include the Pay It Forward badge in your post. Also, feel free to join the Flickr group to see what else is being sent!
6. Follow my blog. (That would be nice!)
6. Follow my blog. (That would be nice!)
Yay! I have now found three people to craft for, so I closed the comments on both posts.
Thank you, my three commenters!
If anybody is still interested in doing this, you can possibly still join at one of their blogs:
Fourteen Countess
Blue-J Cottage
The Corner Of The Internet I Call Home
Yay! I have now found three people to craft for, so I closed the comments on both posts.
Thank you, my three commenters!
If anybody is still interested in doing this, you can possibly still join at one of their blogs:
Fourteen Countess
Blue-J Cottage
The Corner Of The Internet I Call Home

Hi Annika! I am IN! I totally love this idea. And having a year to complete it makes it totally do-able --what a smart idea! I'll write the post about this on my blog over the weekend. xo 14countess [at] gmail [dot] com