Thursday 2 June 2011

Photo Challenge - Simple

I am entering this photo of cool, blue pool water into Kate's photo challenge this week. 

The topic is Simple this time, and for me, there is simply nothing better than going for a summer swim. Well, except maybe the ice cream that you have after...

© Annika - All The Live Long Day (unless otherwise stated)


  1. this is so beautiful! water and its reflexes!

    via Little Somethings

    Light Trigger

  2. I want to jump right into this picture! What a simply lovely shot...the blue is stunning :D

  3. Cool photo Annika! I will hop on over and vote! I really like how you captured the essence of the water and the reflecting light. I love taking photos of objects or materials because they never appear to be what they are. It's quite magical when a photo comes out like a piece of art.


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