Friday 3 June 2011

Longing To Belong

I had this CD delivered on Tuesday. I pre-ordered it on Amazon to guarantee I would receive it as soon as it was out! 

Pearl Jam have been a part of my life ever since Ten was first released in the early Nineties. I remember hearing Alive on the radio and being really gripped by the intensity of the singer's voice and the powerful music. I think I was fifteen. I recall talking to my cousin about the song and her telling me the band's name, after which I went straight out to buy the record.

I have bought all of Pearl Jam's albums ever since, including some collections and re-releases, and have seen them in concert 4 times. When I am listening to them play live and I hear the crowd singing the words to every single song, I feel happy. I even walked down the isle to get married to the melody of their Just Breathe. You could say that I'm a fan girl, yes.

I am also really liking what Eddie Vedder (PJ's lead singer, if you don't know) is doing solo these days, like the soundtrack to Into the Wild, and now the CD above, Ukulele Songs. The name of the album is pretty self-explanatory, and it's excellently twee. 

There is a surprisingly rocky opener (Can't Keep), a duet with Cat Power, a crooning rendition of Dream A Little Dream, and many a beautiful ballad and love song, like Longing To Belong, with its wistful video, below. (Yay! Cello!)

Who are your music heroes?

I am wishing you a wonderful weekend, hope it's filled with happy songs and tunes of love!

© Annika - All The Live Long Day (unless otherwise stated)


  1. hmmm....I have such diverse musical tastes! But, if I had to choose, it would Be Sarah McLachlan, Natalie Merchant, Rose Reiter, and Dinah Washington to name a few. I've been following them as long as I can remember.

    Have a great weekend sweetie!

    p.s. I think you are totally in the right direction of what makes you happy. This blog is one step towards that. xo

  2. I loved Pearl Jam when I was a teen and I haven't heard them in years. I am now feeling a strange desire to go and get out my old albums! Musical heros ... Joni Mitchell I have loved since I was ten and still love. She is my little vintage, classic songbird of gorgeousness.

  3. Love them :) and him - I haven't heard anything off this album yet, but will have to look into it

  4. I was a "high profile" nanny before becoming a mom. Without revealing too much, I will just say that Pearl Jam rocks, and Eddie is a great guy ... this solo album is beautiful, I love the uke!


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