Wednesday 16 November 2011

Richmond Park - November 2011

Okay, apologies straight away: this post contains A LOT of photos. And they are not from my Canada trip, either... Last weekend, we had dinner with friends in South West London and then stayed the night with a mission to rise early. My friends live very close to Richmond Park, and I had been wanting to go spot the deer that live there for two years now. September until November is the rutting season, which means that you get to see big herds of deer and listen to the stags' eery mating calls.

We got up before sunrise to get to the park, as the deer would be most active in the early light. It was a wonderful morning, and I did not at all expect to see as much deer action as we did. We walked around the beautiful wild parkscape for 4 hours and rounded off the morning with coffee and cake at Petersham Nurseries.

We also accidentally discovered the grave of Captain Vancouver, the founding father of, wait for it - Vancouver! He's buried in St. Peter Churchyard. That was pretty cool.

© Text & Photos - Annika - All The Live Long Day (unless otherwise stated).



  1. Annika, these photos are absolutely incredible! I can't stop looking at them.

  2. dem kann ich mich nur anschließen..unglaublich, einfach unglaublich!wunderschön!ich könnte sie mir allesamt noch zehn mal rauf und runter ansehen und vielleicht mach ich das auch!;)

  3. oh my.. amazing photos.. they are all so so beautiful. thks for sharing.. xo hugs

  4. I am so jealous! I'd love to see the deer rut.
    Those photos of the light in the trees are STUNNING, and oh! that one of the mist and the deer silhouette - you must be so pleased with it! Love it.

  5. P.S I'd be interested to know what lense you were using. Did you edit them?

  6. Don't apologize for the pictures, they are breathtaking! What a treat. You are amazing with that camera, I'd love to know your tricks.

  7. Oh my gosh! what a stunning array of photos! gorgeous!

  8. Your photos are just stunning. I can't even begin to pick a favorite! I also love deer. I just love the way they look and there usual quite ways. We often see them pass through our yard and they never make a sound. I don't even mind them chewing a bit on my flowers. ~ Diane

  9. The light! Spectacular. And the deer. Also spectacular. Bravo!

  10. If those photos don't scream autumn, I don't know what does. x

  11. What beautiful pictures and deer! The restaurant looks adorable!


  12. wow i am left a little breathless after viewing the beauty in these images. a little envious you have seen the things we get to see here with your own eyes but ever so greatful you have shared them with us. the natural beauty, colour, light and life captured is incredible. x

  13. The silhouette of the stag is amazing and the light through the trees too, wonderful post!

  14. Wow you have so many stunning shots here.
    It looks like a wonderful place to visit. Thanks for sharing with us :)

  15. Annika, what a fantastic experience this must have been, and what a wonderful series of images you have here. Love, love, love the deer shots!

    Thank you so much for sharing at The Creative Exchange.

    Have a beautiful week ahead!


  16. No apologies needed! I quite enjoyed walking along side and you captured some really A-mazing shots! WOW!

  17. What an incredible and awesome day you must have had. All the deer shots are out of this world. We have lots of them out here in the country, but none of them look like these . They are really impressive animals. The shots of the mushrooms are so cool. Very unusual. All in all this is one fabulous series. Genie

  18. An abundance of lovely shots, Annika! I will have to come back later and have another look!

  19. Seriously. You are an AMAZING photographer. Your photo posts never fail to awe-inspire and entertain. Would you like to come visit and document some of my life along the way? ;)

  20. Such amazing photos. Love all of them! Am just speechless and don't know what else to say. Such a wonderful dawn experience for you and what wonderful lighting and captures. Thank you for sharing these!

  21. Exquisite photos! The silhouette of the elk and the one with the sun behind the tree are my favorites. Thank you for sharing!

  22. So many photos to look at in one post, but they're amazing... I love love love the deer shots! Truly incredible captures! =)


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